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Harm of mosquitoes and flies

Time:2018-11-14    Hits:2123

Biological habits and harm of flies

How to manage flies will be carried out in the following aspects.

Biological characteristics and hazards of flies inspection flies treatment

Brief introduction of flies

Flies hazard inspection site isolation measures

life cycle

Physical control

Reproductive habit

Chemical control

Eating habits

Monitoring work

Biological characteristics and hazards of flies

1 brief introduction

For thousands of years, different kinds of flies have been affecting human happiness. Flies and mosquitoes belong to the Diptera, they have only one pair of useful wings. According to statistics, there are 64 species and 34 thousand and 8 species of flies in the world. The main flies include Musca domestica, Musca domestica, Musca domestica, Musca domestica, etc. The common housefly is a pest that spreads all over the world.

2 the harm of flies

Flies are harmful to humans because they carry a variety of pathogenic microorganisms.

Flies have hairy surfaces and secrete mucus from foot pads. They like to crawl around human or animal feces, urine, sputum, vomit and corpses. They are very easy to adhere to a large number of pathogens, such as Vibrio cholerae, typhoid bacilli, dysentery bacilli, hepatitis bacilli, poliomyelitis, hepatitis A, B and Ascaris eggs. . It often stays on human body, food and tableware. When it stops, it has the habit of rubbing feet and brushing its body. The pathogen attached to it soon pollutes food and tableware.

When a fly eats, it spits out its pouch fluid first, dissolves the food before inhaling, and eats, spits and pulls at the same time. People are prone to get sick when they eat the contaminated food and tableware.

Flies flying everywhere cause nuisance to people and animals. Its buzz noise may also cause a decrease in milk production in dairy animals.

In the hotel industry, the emergence of flies means the loss of customers. In the food and pharmaceutical industries, the existence of flies is strictly prohibited. If a fly is found, the production license may be revoked in addition to the failure to pass the audit process

3 flies life cycle

Flies belong to completely metamorphosis insects. They go through four stages of life: eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults.

A. eggs

The eggs of 1mm are long and white. Eggs are produced on almost any warm organic matter. Animal or poultry manure is an excellent medium. Fermented plants, grass and garbage can also provide vectors for the propagation of flies.

Even soil containing more than anything else is a good place for flies to lay eggs. Female flies produce 5 to 6 eggs, 75 to 100 each, producing 250-500 eggs in total. Depending on the temperature, the hatching of eggs takes 8 hours to 3 days

B. larvae

Fly larvae are white, legless, cone-shaped, and the head is narrowed (also known as maggots). Depending on the temperature and quality of food, larvae need three days to several weeks to complete three instars when they enter the incubation medium. The larvae then migrate to a more dry and cool place to pupate

C. pupa

Pupation usually takes place in the dry area of soil / fertilizer, and flies larvae bury themselves in the depths of 3-30cm. The pupa is about 8mm long and formed from the last larva skin.

The fly pupa is a barrel shaped with round ends. At first it was pale yellow, then deeper and reddish brown, and finally turned dark brown or black. Before becoming adult, it takes about 3 to 28 days to pupa

D. adult

For the most common housefly, the adult is about 5-8 mm long. Females are usually larger than males, with red eyes and siphon mouthparts. There are four longitudinal dark stripes on the back of the breast. The last leg is the taste organ. The lower surface of male flies is yellowish.

The sex of flies can also be judged by the distance between the eyes. The female eye spacing is almost two times that of the male. Adults of flies can live for one month. They fly very well. They can be widely distributed by means of airflow, vehicles and animals.

Usually, adults are abundant near breeding areas. Under certain circumstances, they can migrate to 6 kilometers away, but usually they do not fly more than 2 kilometers

4 reproductive habits

Housefly has strong reproductive potential. Adults will mate within a few hours after breaking pupa.

In warm and humid environment, the whole life cycle from eggs to winged adults can be completed in 6-10 days. Within one month, flies can be produced over two or two generations.

Based on such a rapid growth rate and the large number of females laying eggs, the number of flies increases very rapidly.

5 feeding habits

Houseflies can't eat solid foods directly because their mouthparts are licking and sucking.

If the food is solid, the fly will first vomit the pouch solution to dissolve it, and then use the mouthpiece to suck the liquid food. This eating behavior causes light spots on the surface of flies, called flies.

To sum up, we can conclude that the problem of flies is, in the final analysis, the issue of hygiene. Then, how can we get rid of the trouble of flies? In the next lesson, we will introduce how to check the flies in detail. Only when we know each other well, can we survive a hundred battles. After we have mastered the biological habits of flies, we will see how to carry the old nest of flies. See you next time.

Biological characteristics and hazards of mosquitoes

This tutorial will teach you how to manage mosquitoes. We will start with the following aspects:

Biological characteristics and hazards


Mosquito treatment

Harm of mosquitoes

Inspection content


Species of mosquitoes


Adult insecticides

life cycle

Product recommendation

Feeding behavior

Monitoring and follow up

Biological characteristics and hazards of mosquitoes

brief introduction

Globally, mosquitoes may have greater impact on human health than any other insect. Mosquito-borne diseases are endemic in more than 100 countries, causing more than 300 million infections and at least 700,000 deaths each year. Mosquito borne diseases, such as malaria, cause serious economic and labor losses to the country. WTO data showed that nearly 214 million malaria cases occurred in 2015, killing 438000 people.

危害Mosquitoes can transmit many diseases, such as filariasis, malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya disease, Japanese encephalitis, etc.

Mosquitoes are ubiquitous and disgusting pests. Female mosquitoes suck blood from humans and animals, or transmit diseases to those bitten.

Each time the mosquito bites, it injects saliva into the host, which contains antigens that cause severe allergic reactions in some people after being bitten, which may occur very quickly or may be delayed.

Mosquito bites can cause red, swollen and itchy symptoms, and the unique buzz of the rapid vibration of mosquito wings is annoying.

Mosquitoes can cause sleep deprivation, lack of rest or even nervousness.

Disease carrying mosquitoes

Anopheles malaria

Filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, viral diseases, Culex pipiens

Dengue fever, Aedes

Filariasis mosquito

Anopheles mosquitoes are the main transmitters of malaria (caused by malaria). There are four different types of malaria that can cause malaria: Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale.

Species of mosquitoes

Except for fast-moving waters and large waters with large waves, mosquitoes of all kinds can adapt to almost all types of waters. Quiet water bodies are especially suitable for breeding mosquitoes.

There are 37 genera and 3200 species of mosquitoes all over the world. There are 21 genera and more than 387 species (subspecies) of mosquitoes in China.

The following are some of the more important mosquito species in China:

Aedes Culex

Culex pipiens Anopheles mosquito Culex pipiens aegypti

Three Culex pipiens pallens, Aedes albopictus

Mosquito life cycle

Mosquitoes are completely metamorphosis insects, including egg, larva (Jie Jue), pupa, adult 4 stages of development.




库蚊:卵集结成救生艇状,高达 300粒卵集结在一起;






Enlargement of the head and chest is enclosed in the protective sheath, and the respiratory tube extends from the dorsal side. Most mosquitoes have smaller pupa density than water. Therefore, when the pupa is not in the swimming state, it will float on the water, and the respiratory tube will reach out to get air. The pupa respiratory tube of Anopheles mosquitoes is shorter, while that of Aedes and Culex mosquitoes is longer, but the pupa abdomen end of Culex mosquitoes is shorter. The shape of the pupa lasts for one to two days, after which the adults break the pupa and stay on the pupa shell for a period of time until they can fly.


Mosquitoes can easily be distinguished from other flying insects. They have long and sharp beaks, and the posterior margin of the veins is scaly. Male mosquitoes usually emerge first, gathering in groups near the water surface, and mating with female mosquitoes after emergence, usually at dusk. After mating, female mosquitoes must take blood to produce the fertilized eggs. During the development stages of mosquitoes, only female mosquitoes were found to suck blood, and the mouths of male mosquitoes were degraded, which were not suitable for blood sucking. Therefore, male mosquitoes usually feed on nectar or juice from outdoor plants.

Anopheles mosquitoes: mostly grey body, wings with black and white spots, abdomen tilted when static, body and beak in a straight line when resting, but in an angle with the landing surface. Culex: the body is mostly yellowish brown with no spots on its wings, and the body has a angle with the beak when it stops.

Aedes mosquitoes: 1-4 segments of the hind tarsus have basal white rings, the last segment is white, 2-6 segments of the back of the abdomen have basal white bands, the body and beak have an angle at rest.

Feeding behavior

Some mosquito species like to bite humans, known as Haemophilus anthropophagus; others like to bite mammals, birds and amphibians, known as Haemophilus zoophilus.

Body odor, sweat, temperature and carbon dioxide are important factors for the host to attract female mosquitoes.

Female mosquitoes will enter the rest after a full meal, so that the blood is fully digested, ovaries are developed, ready to lay eggs. After laying eggs, female mosquitoes will continue to suck blood from their hosts to produce the two batch of eggs.




1002, Block B, Building 1, Gute Building, No. 2, Xingsheng West Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu

Copyright: Sichuan Kangjie Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.



